Planning & Zoning

Location:  2706 River Road

Phone Number:  (802) 422-3241, Ext 3

Fax:  (802) 855-5241

Office Hours:  9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., Monday through Friday

Staff:  Jim Haff, Zoning Administrator

            Lisa Davis Lewis, Town Planner

            Direct # 802-422-3709

            Will Austin, Assistant Town Planning & Zoning Administrator

            Direct # 802-422-3708


  1. The Town Planner conducts current and long range planning, prepares amendments to the Town Plan and Zoning Regulations and assists the Planning Commission and Development Review Board.
  2. The Zoning Administrator is responsible for land use permits, inspections, enforcement of the Zoning Regulations and Short-Term Rental information.


Last updated 1/15/2025 12:31:37 PM