Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)



 When is the Town Office open?

Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m., except for federal/state holidays and weather emergencies.  Note the Town Clerk's hours are (9:00 a.m.-3:00p.m., Monday through Friday)

 What are current tax rates?

The 2024 Residential Tax Rate is $3.795 ($3.1981 Education + $0.5969 Municipal).
The 2024 Non-residential Tax Rate is $3.254 ($2.6571 Education + $0.5969 Municipal)

 When are taxes due?

The Town of Killington is on a July 1- June 30 Fiscal year.  Taxes are billed in July and paid in three installments--August 15th; November 15th; and February 15th.  Payments MUST be received before the close of business on, August 25th; November 25th; or February 25th.

 When are sewer payments due?

The Town of Killington is on a calendar year.  SFD#1 and the Killington Road/Route 4 Sewer are billed in April.  Payment is due in two installments--June 1 and November 1.

 Where do I apply for a dog license

Dog licenses are handled by the Town Clerk's office.  Dog licenses in the State of Vermont are due by April 1 each year.  We are required by law to have on file for each license a current Rabies Vaccination Certificate.  We also need proof of spaying or neutering.  The fee is $9.00 for spayed/neutered and $13.00 for non-spayed/non-neutered.  After April 1, there is a 50% penalty.  The tags are available the beginning of January, and licenses may be renewed anytime between January and April 1st.  Cats do not require a license.

 Where do we get a marriage license and what do we need to bring with us?

In Vermont, you get your license in the community in which one of you resides, so you would get your license in the Town Clerk's Office.  If you are from out of State, you can get your license in any Town Clerk's office.  We have a "Worksheet for Marriage License Application" for you to fill out.  We do not require you to show identification since when you sign the Marriage Certificate you are attesting that all of the information is accurate.  There is no waiting period and no blood tests are required.  The fee is $80.00, plus an additional $10.00 if you require a certified copy.

For more information and forms, see the Town Clerk Page

 Can I get a hunting and/or fishing license at the Town office?

Hunting and fishing licenses can be obtained at the Town Clerk's office.  For more information regarding hunting fishing and trapping fees and laws go to Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife website.

Last updated 7/8/2024 4:09:27 PM